Baldur’s Gate 3 Breaks into the Top 25 Most-Reviewed Games on Steam

Baldur’s Gate 3 has become a giant in the gaming world, with more than half a million players sharing their thoughts on Steam. That’s a huge deal, making it one of the top games that people talk about on the platform. Right now, 500,574 gamers have given their take on it, and wow, 96% of those reviews are glowing! Swen Vincke, the big boss at Larian Studios, is over the moon. He hopped onto X (you know, the place everyone tweets and stuff) to thank everyone personally. He’s loving reading what players say, calling it “pure joy.” He mused, “Half a million?

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That’s a lot of folks. If only we could meet up, I’d shake each of your hands and hear all about your epic quests.” Now, for the serious gamers who are all about the details, it’s key to know that Steam’s big number is all about the folks who bought the game right there on Steam. But if you count all the game keys out there, Baldur’s Gate 3 has reviews from over 561,000 players. Looking at the scoreboard, Steam250 shows that Baldur’s Gate 3 is sitting pretty at number 25 on the all-time most-reviewed list for Steam. That means it’s jumped right over giants like Red Dead Redemption 2, The Forest, Don’t Starve Together, Valheim, Monster Hunter: World, Dying Light, and even The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. That’s some serious clout right there!

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Fun Fact: Did you know? Baldur’s Gate 3 is pretty popular on SteamDB, snagging the 26th spot. Just so you remember, Rocket League is also a crowd favorite there, with over half a million reviews. But here’s the catch – since 2020, you can’t get it on Steam anymore. That’s because Epic Games, the big boss now, decided it’s only gonna be on their own Epic Games Store. Out of the top 25 chartbusters on Steam, eight won’t cost you a dime, with big shots like Counter-Strike 2, PUBG, and Dota 2 leading the pack. If you’re into solo play, then GTA V’s your heavyweight champ. As for Baldur’s Gate 3, it’s still the talk of the town, proving it’s got serious game in the Steam universe. 🎮🌟